Project (shell script for user management and backup in Linux)

The project involves creating a shell script for user management and backup in a Linux environment. The primary goal is to automate user management tasks and implement a secure backup process. The project is designed to enhance efficiency, provide a user-friendly command-line interface, and ensure security and portability across different Linux distributions.

Tools Required:

  • Linux OS (Ubuntu)

  • Bash Shell

Project Includes:

$ User Management function():

  • Adds, deletes, and modifies user accounts on a Linux system.

  • Includes options to create and manage user groups.

  • Implements a user-friendly command-line interface.

$ Group Management function():

  • Creates and deletes user groups.

  • Adds users to specified groups.

$ Backup function():

  • Implements a backup feature that compresses and archives a specified directory.

  • Utilizes the tar command to create a compressed backup file.

  • Provides a user-friendly command-line interface.

$ Main Menu


Project Workflow:

  • Learners clone the repository, develop scripts, and use version control (Git and GitHub).

  • Collaboration and sharing of scripts through GitHub.

The project encourages hands-on experience with Linux commands, shell scripting, version control, and collaboration through Git and GitHub. It emphasizes best practices in scripting and security considerations.